G.B. Creator

Xiomara Brittany Ann Fambrough

Ever ask yourself…

I wonder what’s in this?? (e.g., food or products)

Genuine Benevolence values Transparency of Foods and Goods. This is more than a mantra, it’s a principle I can hopefully help the world adopt.

G.B. values research in every non-opinion post. In this world of watered-down information, it can sometimes be difficult to get to the root of the truth.

Get involved and be a part of the solution, leave comments, advice or concerns. Comments of love are always welcome! This is an open and free education environment.


What we offer

 Here's the thing guys, health is for everyone. The idea that being health

conscious is for a 'certain type of person', is obscene. Carnivore, vegetarian,

vegan and plant-based lovers can enjoy the knowledge of this blog. It's about

knowing what's healthy for you and building a life around that!


It can be irritating to realize how many things you should throw away in

your home, not to mention, daunting and commonly known as expensive.

G.B. is run by ethical values to ease that path; all the ways to make your life

healthier one step at a time. Nothing happens all in one day.


I invite you to a place where one can find the truth about living clean. As

G.B. builds your trust, I hope to build a community of health educated

individuals. It's all about being ethical, healthy and happy in the modern


My dog Courage!

My dog Courage!

China Guangzhou

A Brief History

Hello! My name is Xiomara Brittany Ann Fambrough. G.B. became an idea in

2017 but I suppose the days up to the idea began with an experience.

In early 2016 I set on a study abroad journey beginning in Rome, Italy.


On most days, Italy's streets are bustling with market vendors. The nearing

countries follow suit. It is easy to find fresh foods any time hunger strikes!

Greater fresh food opportunities create a society that maintains a healthier

overall living. I simply fell in love with nurturing my body with fresh foods.


I soon realized, it's not only what is in our bodies but on and around them as

well. It can be hard to choose to buy or make a new product. Change can

seem cumbersome all at once. That's why G.B. exists! It's a guide to

integrating ethical, healthy and happier options into your life.

Turmeric Mask

Turmeric Mask